Children & Youth

Children’s Ministry

Welcome to Renewal Children’s Ministry! We believe that each classroom, from Nursery to Sunday School, is a place of learning, sharing and growing in Christ’s love and His Word.

On Sundays, all children join in our worship service for the first half as we believe in the importance of family covenant worship. In an effort to better engage the children in our corporate praise time, one of the songs from the following playlist will be played each Sunday so that children always have at least one familiar song they can sing along with more easily. Please feel free to use this playlist to praise God together as a family during the week and help your children learn these praise songs as they grow their hearts of worship:

The welcoming table also has children’s bulletins with colorful graphics and simple text to help your child follow along with the worship service as well as a Saturday night checklist to help your child prepare for worship on Sundays. We hope these resources will be helpful to your family.

Prior to the sermon during the announcements time, children 5th Grade and below are dismissed to their classrooms for their age appropriate worship and teaching.

For questions about our Nursery and Preschool program, contact Esther Tse at

For questions about our Pre-K through 5th Grade program, contact Dan Whang at

Children’s Ministry Classroom Locations (Drop Off and Pick Up)
– Nursery (0-2 years) – D11
– Preschool (2-3 years) – D21
– Pre-K (4 years) – D22
– K – 1st grade – D25
– 2nd – 3rd grade – D32
– 4th – 5th grade – D24

Youth Ministry

While our 6th to 12 graders worship with their families on Sundays, our Youth Group meets weekly after Sunday worship for Bible study and fellowship. There is no Youth Group gathering on the last Sunday of each month so that our youth can participate in Pizza Fellowship with the entire congregation.

In addition, there are scheduled outings and events to grow as a community and be a light to their friends and community. These gatherings serve to both supplement the Sunday worship experience and to provide community for youth which is of particular importance during these formative years.

If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, please contact Pastor Nick at